Psychology Degree
communication fluency, high ability to improvise, public speaking, physical mobility (sport background), easily get in touch with new people and adapt various environments, ability to work alongside people with different personality, behavior and temperament (due to both my current profession - human resources/recruiting personnel - and by way of being).
Writing career articles, books & short novels, conducting sport activities (such as jogging), watching wrestling, enjoy the good old walk in a park once in a while, visiting various towns in my home country Romania, driving my car to relax myself and also swimming (I have just learn how to swim).
I do not have a strong acting background but I want to develop my career in this direction due to my improvisation skills and high desire to get out of my comfort zone. Also due to the fact that I enjoy speaking in public. In my 20's I have participated in a live TV show entitled "Generatia Contra" on Romanian National Television - TVR 1, between 2009-2010- where I interviewed various politicians in regards to different priorities regarding Romania's country major projects - education development for kids and so on. Also I have been involved in the same show in various sketches were I was interpreting the role of a student, a teacher, a lover and so on, Example of an edition that involves acting you can see here: After that, the show ended and I needed a job to maintain myself in college and become independent so I followed a career in Human Resources. Starting 2010 I am strongly active as a recruiter and employer branding. Conducting interviews, creating the questions for interviews, role-plays for different job tests and so on. I also published two books - one in Romania, France & Spain and the other one only in Romania. The first one is entitled (candidati si angajatori piata muncii are nevoie de voi, in translation - Candidates & Employers - the labor market needs you - Here is a link towards the first book: My second book is in cooperation with the university Titu Maiorescu (Bucharest, Romania). The book is entitled: The Pyschology of Human Resources. Here is a link: Also from time to time I have attended the public crowd in various TV shows from Romania. Hope that we have a chance to talk :). Have a great day! Silviu B.